Product enquiry
We have too much and too many stock changes to list on site!
Scroll down to see some of the many items we stock. All stock is subject to the ongoing issues throughout the supply chain.
01305 852270
There is also an enquiry form at the bottom of the page.

Boots long and short, in both riding and yard, also some wellington boots.

Gloves in all sizes, for children, ladies and gents, show, winter, summer and yard!

Jackets in navy, black and tweed, also hunt coats kept in stock and available to order.

Socks for children and adults.

A selection of coats are stocked, both warm and waterproof, short and long styles.

Jods and breeches, all colours, styles and prices! Everyday/work pricing and competition.

All types of rug are stocked, from a variety of suppliers – Sheldon, Rhinegold, Weatherbeeta, Mark Todd, Shires, HKM – if not in stock, we can order for you.

We keep a good stock of bits – if you’re looking for a bit that’s proving difficult to find, give us a call. We also stock some Neue Schule, Bomber and Happy Mouth bits, if not in stock orders are made regularly and arrive quickly.
Check via enquiry form (below), or call
01305 852270
Open 10 – 4 Tues/Wed/Fri/Sat
Please see home page for additional information about opening times and seasonal changes.

Saddlecloths and numnahs, in all colours, some with matching fly veils.

Half-pads in gel, sheepskin and faux fur.

Girths, all types and sizes from simple padded cotton in very small sizes, to waffle, memory foam, leather etc. up to size 62″.

Girth sleeves, faux fur, memory foam, sheepskin.

Stirrups: peacock, bent leg, hunt, and flexi.
We stock Rhinegold, Sheldon, Mark Todd, Gatehouse, Omega Equine, Shires, Elico, Neue Shule, SupaStuds, Nuumed, HKM, Dublin, Champion, Charles Owen, Airowear, Tuffa, Jeffries, Thorowgood, Wintec, Bates, Equilibrium, Red Horse, Gold Label, Science Supplements and more. If you’re looking for something that’s proving difficult to find, give us a call!

Bridlework for everyday use to Sunday best, traditional English to more fashionable leatherwork and styles.

We stock a large range of bridle parts, cheek/head pieces, browbands etc. and reins – various types and brands.

Nosebands in black and brown, grackle, drop, cavesson, flash and if not in stock, we’ll order for you.

Our odds and ends drawer has a myriad of obscure items from bit burrs to fulmer loops, bucking (**it !) straps to roundings, bit snaps/clips and more. If you can’t find it elsewhere – ask us!
Check via enquiry form (below), or call
01305 852270
Open 10 – 4 Tues/Wed/Fri/Sat
Hours are extended during the summer. If you can’t get to us withing these times, please let us know: we will always try to meet your schedule, even on the days we are usually closed: please ask.
Occasionally closed for trade stands, dates on home page or Facebook

Stocks and ties, plain white and a variety of colours, mainly Equetech, some Showtime.

Stock pins, plain and sparkly!

Fly veils and masks from several suppliers, XS to XF.

Whips, schooling, jump batons etc. always a good selection in stock.
Check via enquiry form (below), or call
01305 852270
Email Your Enquiry
Visit Us
Warmwell Saddlery
The Granary
Dorset DT2 8HQ
Closed Thursdays and bank holidays and throughout the winter, we will be closing on Mondays. Occasionally we close for trade stands during the eventing season: dates posted on home page and our Facebook page.
Open Hours
This winter, because of the rising costs of heating, we will be closing on Mondays.
Tues/Wed/Fri/Sat 10 – 4
For additional information about opening times, please see home page.

Please ring the shop number if you need something urgently and the shop is closed. We will try to arrange a mutually convenient time: just leave a message and we’ll get back to you.